Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: 10 Best Strategies

Pinterest can be a goldmine for affiliate marketers if you know how to use it right. By following these 10 strategies, you can potentially turn your Pinterest account into a powerful tool for earning passive income.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the best ways to make Pinterest work for you.

This article may contain affiliate links and we may earn a commission at no additional costs to you if you purchase through these links.

Woman working

  • Table of Contents

    Key Takeaways

    1. Know the Rules

    2. Create Several Pins per Post

    3. Schedule Pins in Advance

    4. Enable Rich Pins

    5. Pin to Group Boards

    6. Optimize for SEO

    7. Build an Email List through Pinterest

    8. Analyze Pin Performance

    9. Promote High-Performing Pins

    10. Plan Seasonal Content in Advance


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Pinterest affiliate marketing?

    Why should I use Pinterest for affiliate marketing?

    How do I create multiple pins for one post?

    What are Rich Pins and why should I enable them?

    How can I schedule pins in advance?

    Why is it important to pin to group boards?

    How can I optimize my pins for SEO?

    What should I do if a pin is performing well?

Key Takeaways

  • Follow Pinterest’s rules to avoid getting banned.

  • Make multiple pins for each blog post to reach more people.

  • Schedule your pins ahead of time to stay consistent.

  • Use Rich Pins to give more info and attract clicks.

  • Join group boards to expand your audience.

1. Know the Rules

Before you start with Pinterest affiliate marketing, it’s important to know the rules. This will help you avoid getting your content blocked or your account penalized. Here are some key guidelines to follow:

  • No cloaking: Pinterest’s community guidelines advise against shortening or concealing affiliate URLs. Always use direct links.

  • Single account policy: Stick to one account. Using multiple accounts to manipulate metrics is against Pinterest’s rules.

  • FTC disclosure: Always disclose affiliate links. Transparency is crucial to maintain trust with your audience.

2. Create Several Pins per Post

Creating multiple pins for each post is a smart strategy to boost your visibility on Pinterest. The more pins you create, the higher your chances of driving traffic to your Hub or website. This can lead to more sales and engagement.

Pinterest affiliate marketing

By designing different pins for the same post, you can attract various audiences. Each pin can have a unique design and keywords, making it easier to reach different types of users.

Here are some tips to get started:

  • Use different images and graphics for each pin.

  • Experiment with various titles and descriptions.

  • Test out different color schemes and fonts.

  • Don’t post everything at the same time, schedule your pins.

Remember, the goal is to get your content noticed by as many people as possible. So, go ahead and create several pins for each post to maximize your reach.

Pinterest pins

3. Schedule Pins in Advance

Scheduling your pins ahead of time can help you reach your audience when they are most active.

This way, you won’t have to worry about forgetting to publish new pins.

By scheduling pins in advance, you can maximize the chance of reaching users when they’re online.

There are several tools available to help you schedule your pins. Some popular options include:

  • Tailwind

  • Later

  • Hootsuite.

If you want to make your pin creation and scheduling even easier, you can check

Design creation

These tools allow you to set a custom schedule, add new content to your queue, and automatically post pins to your board.

Here are some steps to schedule your pins:

  1. Select the date and time: Choose the date and time you want your pin to be published. Pinterest allows you to schedule pins up to 30 days in advance.

  2. Add to your queue: Use a scheduling tool to add your pin to the queue.

  3. Confirm and schedule: Double-check your settings and confirm the schedule.

Man working with headphones

4. Enable Rich Pins

Rich Pins are a fantastic way to make your content stand out on Pinterest. They provide extra information directly on the pin, making it more engaging and useful for users.

Enabling Rich Pins can significantly boost your Pinterest affiliate marketing efforts.

There are three types of Rich Pins you can use:

  • Product Pins: Show up-to-date pricing and availability.

  • Recipe Pins: Display cooking time, ingredients, and serving sizes.

  • Article Pins: Include the headline, description, and author.

To enable Rich Pins, follow these steps:

  1. Add the appropriate meta tags to your website.

  2. Validate your Rich Pins using the Pinterest Rich Pin Validator.

  3. Apply for Rich Pins on Pinterest.

Using Rich Pins can help you attract more attention and drive more traffic to your affiliate links.

For more affiliate marketing tips and strategies, check out FractalMax Hub.

5. Pin to Group Boards

Joining group boards on Pinterest can help your pins reach a much larger audience. Group boards are like community bulletin boards where multiple users share their pins.

This means your pins can be seen by all the members of the group, not just your followers.

To find the right group boards, use tools like Pingroupie.

Look for boards that match your niche.

Below is a group board that I joined. Just follow the instruction of the board you want to join and respect the requirement regarding posting frequency etc.

Pinterest group board

For example, if you promote craft products, a board like the Crochet Community Board would be a good fit.

Once you join a group board, make sure to contribute regularly. Share valuable and interesting pins that others will appreciate. This will help you build a good reputation within the group.

6. Optimize for SEO

Pinterest is like a visual search engine. Optimizing for SEO is key to getting your pins noticed. Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Use Keywords: Find the right keywords using tools like Ahrefs or Moz Keyword Explorer. Look for words that show someone is ready to buy.

  2. Write Good Titles: Put your main keywords at the start of your pin titles. This grabs attention quickly.

  3. Craft Descriptions: Use keywords naturally in your pin descriptions. Make them interesting so people want to click.

  4. Add Hashtags: Use a mix of branded and common hashtags to reach more people.

  5. Choose Categories: Put your pins in the right categories so they show up in specific searches.

Pin on Pinterest

7. Build an Email List through Pinterest

Building an email list is a great way to boost your business growth with affiliate marketing.

Pinterest can help you gather subscribers who are interested in your content.

Here’s how you can do it effectively.

First, create an email opt-in on your landing page. Offer something valuable, like a discount code or a free resource, to encourage visitors to sign up. This is known as a lead magnet.

Next, use tools like AWeber and GetResponse to manage your email list and send out campaigns. These tools make it easy to automate your emails and keep your subscribers engaged.

You can also promote your lead magnets directly on Pinterest.

Create pins that highlight the benefits of your free offer and link them to your opt-in page. This way, you can attract more subscribers from your Pinterest traffic.

Email marketing

8. Analyze Pin Performance

To get the most out of your Pinterest affiliate marketing, you need to regularly check how your pins are doing.

Use Pinterest Analytics to see how well your pins are performing. Look at key metrics like engagements, impressions, and views. This will help you understand what works and what doesn’t.

Here are some important metrics to consider:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): This shows the percentage of people who click on your pins.

  • Conversions: Track how many clicks lead to purchases.

  • Time on site: See how long people stay on your landing page.

Diving into these numbers helps you find out which pins are driving the most traffic. This allows you to fine-tune your strategy and replicate what works.

Don’t forget to also check your affiliate dashboard to see how many people bought the items you promoted through Pinterest.

9. Promote High-Performing Pins

Promoting your best-performing pins can significantly boost your marketing efforts. Consider using Pinterest ads to give these pins an extra push. High-performing ads usually have:

  • High-resolution, vertical images

  • Clear branding

  • Reliable links

  • Straightforward copy

Combining promoted pins with your organic ones can drive more traffic and grow your audience.

You can use sponsored pins to promote an affiliate link directly or to bring users back to your affiliate marketing content.

For more tips and exclusive strategies, consider joining the FractalMax private VIP community.


10. Plan Seasonal Content in Advance

Planning your seasonal content ahead of time is key to successful Pinterest affiliate marketing.

When promoting affiliate products or services related to holidays and events, ensure you have relevant pins scheduled and posted well in advance—at minimum 4-6 weeks beforehand.

This way, you can catch the wave of interest as it peaks.

Using an editorial calendar can help you map out your content for the month.

Align your pins with major events, seasons, holidays, and audience trends. This ensures you have pins ready for moments that spike traffic and engagement.

Leverage scheduling tools to queue up your pins in advance. This allows you to maintain consistency, even when you go on vacation.

Repurpose evergreen content periodically to keep your feed fresh and engaging.

Planning your seasonal content ahead of time can save you a lot of stress and help you stay organized.

When you map out your content calendar, you can ensure that you always have fresh and relevant material ready to go. Want to learn more tips and tricks?

Visit our site and discover how to launch your affiliate business in just 7 days!


Pinterest affiliate marketing can be a game-changer if you use the right strategies. By following the tips we’ve shared, you can turn Pinterest into a powerful tool for boosting your affiliate income.

Start applying these strategies today, and you’ll see your passive income grow. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight, but with patience and consistency, you’ll get there. Happy pinning!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pinterest affiliate marketing?

Pinterest affiliate marketing is when you promote products on Pinterest and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link.

Why should I use Pinterest for affiliate marketing?

Pinterest is a visual search engine with millions of users looking for ideas and products, making it a great platform to promote affiliate products.

How do I create multiple pins for one post?

You can create different images, titles, and descriptions for the same post to attract a wider audience and increase engagement.

What are Rich Pins and why should I enable them?

Rich Pins provide more information directly on the pin, such as pricing and availability, making them more useful and clickable for users.

How can I schedule pins in advance?

You can use tools like Tailwind or Pinterest’s own scheduler to plan and schedule your pins ahead of time, ensuring consistent posting.

Why is it important to pin to group boards?

Pinning to group boards helps you reach a larger audience because these boards have multiple contributors and followers.

How can I optimize my pins for SEO?

Use relevant keywords in your pin titles, descriptions, and hashtags to make your pins more discoverable in Pinterest searches.

What should I do if a pin is performing well?

If a pin is performing well, consider promoting it further through Pinterest ads to reach an even larger audience and increase your earnings.
